2024 ME-TECH 

Honeywell UOP Pre-Conference Seminar

Join Honeywell UOP experts as they walk through the roadmap to achieving short term and long-term goals with a set of insights surrounding realistic opportunities, they are seeing for energy producers to help meet their net zero commitments.

Welcome to 2024 ME-TECH Honeywell UOP Pre-conference Seminar

As the energy landscape in MENA undergoes a transformative shift to align with global dynamics, the urgency to capitalize on the region's distinct capabilities for setting the benchmark in a successful global energy transition is mounting. The clock is ticking to ensure future economic resilience. While the discussions on global net-zero targets unfolded on the COP28 stage, the focus now shifts to implementing this transition effectively. But where does one start? Honeywell UOP is at the forefront, actively assisting its customers in the region with a suite of readily available solutions tailored to support the sustainable energy market:

  • Expanding Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) availability: Honeywell's solutions cover wide range of feedstocks to address the rapidly growing demand for renewable fuels such as SAF. Honeywell's portfolio includes catalyst and technologies such as Ecofining™, Ethanol-to-Jet and UOP eFining™.
  • Scaling carbon capture and hydrogen: Honeywell currently has more than 1,100 installations of H2 purification technologies around the world. Retrofitting existing hydrogen production assets with carbon capture technology is a ready-now, commercially proven and significant step towards carbon neutrality. We are working on the world’s largest blue hydrogen plant (Exxon Mobil Baytown), which is being designed to capture 98% of the CO2 produced for CCS. This plant will sequester seven million t/y of CO2.
  • New technology: Honeywell UOP Naphtha to Ethane/Propane is a bankable investment for sustainable petrochemical production.



Monday, 4th March, 2024

12:30 PM - 15:30 PM GST


Conrad Dubai Hotel, Sheikh Zayed Rd - Trade Centre - Trade Centre 1 - Dubai


Anastasia Vorobyeva


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Honeywel UOP Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) | Brochure
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Honeywell UOP Hydrogen Solutions | Datasheet
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Honeywell UOP STS Carbon Capture | Brochure
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Honeywell UOP Hydrogen Solutions | eBook
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Honeywell UOP NEP | Brochure
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Honeywell UOP Ecofining Technology | Brochure
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